Posters (2022)

The poster session was from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on

Igor Adamovich (Ohio State): Nonequilibrium plasmas for scalable, energy-efficient plasma catalysis and chemistry

Scott Baalrud (Michigan): Novel properties of strongly magnetized, strongly coupled plasmas

Damiano Caprioli (Chicago): On the universality of diffusive shock acceleration

Charles (Chip) Durfee (Mines): Optimizing laser-electron coupling with tilted-pulse group velocity control

Joel Fajans (UC Berkeley): Nonneutral plasma physics, antihydrogen synthesis, and fundamental physics

Tanvir Farouk (South Carolina): Understanding plasma breakdown in liquid phase

John Foster (Michigan): Opportunities at the plasma-liquid interface: Exploring plasma-induced fluid instabilities for scaleup

Siegfried Glenzer (Stanford): Ambient-temperature liquid microjets for online optimization of laser-driven ion acceleration

Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain (Rochester): HADES: A pulsed-power driver to understand astrophysical phenomena in a laboratory setting

Michael Hahn (Columbia): Alfvén waves propagating in an inhomogeneous plasma similar to those in coronal holes

Jack Hare (MIT): New frontiers in magnetic reconnection experiments driven by pulsed power

Viatcheslav Kokoouline (Central Florida): Low-energy dissociative recombination of CH+

Uwe Kortshagen (Minnesota): Particle dynamics in nanodusty plasmas

Karl Krushelnick (Michigan): Commissioning experiments for the 3-Petawatt ZEUS laser facility

Michael Litos (CU Boulder): Plasma accelerators and ion channel lasers at FACET-II

Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue): Astrophysical free electron lasers

Lorin Matthews (Baylor): Modeling dusty plasma interactions

Mikhail Medvedev (Kansas): On QED-plasma framework

Gregory Severn (San Diego): Adventures in sheath physics with Noah Herschkowitz, and continuing work in this area at the University of San Diego,
a principally undergraduate institution

Elijah Thimsen (Washington St. Louis): Non-equilibrium plasma-chemical reaction engineering

Juan Pablo Trelles (UMass Lowell): Solar-plasma chemical synthesis

Thomas White (Nevada, Reno): Measuring transport properties in warm dense matter at the OMEGA Laser Facility

Jeremiah Williams (Wittenberg): Measurement of the transport and thermal properties in dusty plasmas

Azer Yalin (Colorado State): Pre-ionization controlled laser induced plasmas for combustion applications

Brandon Zerbe (Michigan State): Shock mechanism of local emittance inhomogeneities during non-uniform Coulomb explosion